Wrinkles the Bloodhound Plush


  • On May 21, 1939, four inmates cut through their cells, scaled the prison wall and escaped into the mountains. In hot pursuit, veteran bloodhould Malli and his son Wrinkles took off after the convicts' scent near Banks, Idaho. Malli returned to his master, Jack McNeilly, but Wrinkles did not. With all four inmates found and no sign of Wrinkles, McNeilly and Malli set out to his last known whereabouts. Malli howled, and Wrinkles ran out from the woods. An Idaho Statesman reporter stated, "we're afraid Wrinkles is a sissie and that his proper niche is before the fireplace in the home of some maidenly lady - without subjecting himself to the grim realities which a life of first hand adventure entails."
  • 8" dog plush.
  • From the Old Idaho Penitentiary's Souvenir Confinement store.
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